My first week of traveling with NatureFresh Farms Greenhouse Education Center was as exciting for me as it was for people seeing a greenhouse on wheels. My first day I was overwhelmed with nerves and anxiety, excited to finally share the #FutureOfFresh with Ontarians. Our team made stops in Pickering, Markham, Richmond Hills and Downtown Toronto.
The Greenhouse Education Center is an exact snapshot of the NatureFresh Farms Greenhouses in Leamington, ON. I am lucky enough to bringing #GreenInTheCity with my GEC team, NatureFresh Farms and the Greenhouse Education Center.
The people of Toronto were amazing, they welcomed us and were very interested in where we grow, how we grow (#WeAreTheGrower), and the standards we use to grow our greenhouse grown red cherry tomatoes, tomato on the vine, bell peppers, and cucumbers.
Shoppers shared that when they go shopping for produce they want the freshest produce. NatureFresh Farms grows non-GMO, local produce in Leamington, Ontario and Delta, Ohio. It is comforting to share that by buying NatureFresh you are supporting local, family owned business and getting only the freshest produce.
With fresh produce comes great taste! It was heart warming to see kids begging their parents to buy NatureFresh cherry tomatoes after sampling them. Even watching kids see a tomato plant and a pepper plant in real life for the first time just brings joy to your heart. I get to spark an interest in a kids life.
If you are interested in seeing the Greenhouse Education Center we may be in your area soon, so you can see how Nature Fresh Farms grows also! Follow our experience on:
Instagram: @WeAreTheGrower
Twitter: @WeAreTheGrower
Snapchat: #GreenInTheCity