Today, there is this fallacy about where your produce comes from, how its grown and the flavor of a tomato you eat from a grocery store or restaurant. Too many people have eaten a flavorless salmon colored tomato and vowed to never eat another tasteless tomato unless it’s from the garden.
And I get it, you’ve probably ate a tomato that was harvested green, gassed, tumbled on a conveyer belt, tossed around by a machine, traveled who knows how many miles before getting to your home. Your tomato had a long week; it is no wonder why its performance is not up to your standards.
And what about the growing practices of your tomato? Those huge tomatoes you see in stores that are grown for size but not flavor. We have all picked one of those up and been disappointed. Who really wants to eat those?
Too many tomatoes these days are grown for size, yield, and price without thinking about being environmentally friendly, the traceability of the produce, and the effects chemicals that are sprayed will have on consumers.
I talk to people constantly at grocery stores about reading the label on their produce, knowing the farming practices of their farmers, where their produce is coming from. A quick Google search can tell you a lot about the growers of what you are about to eat. Get this, how often do you catch yourself looking at ratings or what people have to say about a product on social media? I quick social media search helps too!!!
When I went to Nature Fresh Farms in Leamington, Ontario I was thrilled to learn about the growing practices of a company who grows their product in a sustainable, efficient and resource responsible way. Nature Fresh Farms grows our produce in the most responsible and flavorful way possible.
How do they do that? Nature Fresh Farms produce is grown in greenhouses, so they are in a controlled environment. They use integrated pest management to control pest, bees to pollinate. The flavorful tomatoes you get in stores are vine ripened, because they are not traveling thousands of miles to your home. Leading technology allows for tomatoes not to be tumbled around after harvest. So if you truly want flavorful tomatoes, ask your produce manager for Nature Fresh Farms!
If you truly want flavorful tomatoes, ill encourage you to do your research, taste test as many as you would like and find your favorite!
To be fair the flavorless tomato you may have had is not your fault, we have all had a watery tomato. Just don’t give up till you try greenhouse grown, flavorful, Nature Fresh tomatoes! Follow Nature Fresh on social media platforms to see if the Greenhouse Education Center is touring near you. The Greenhouse Education Center is a small version of a Nature Fresh Greenhouse where you can see in person how your tomato, cucumbers, and peppers are grown! #WeAreTheGrower #G2P