Make sure to take time for you and your health this year
There’s no better time to think about a diet refresh than as we begin a new year. No, we’re not talking about fasts or cleanses and no, we’re not suggesting you crash diet either, we’re simply here to talk about why adding vegetables to your daily routine could easily transform your health. A diet rich in vegetables, like our peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers, promotes eye, skin, and brain health and can lower your blood pressure. Low in calories and high in nutrients, veggies will also help fill you up without weighing you down. Now that we’ve got your attention, let’s take a deeper dive into why 2022 should be your year to literally veg out… and when you do, look for the Nature Fresh Farms label.
Brain Food
Looking for ways to boost your brain health? Look no further than your kitchen and, more specifically, our very own red bell peppers that are full of the brain-boosting vitamin folate. Studies have shown that folate plays an essential role in mitigating the impact of mental and emotional disorders and is believed to improve cognitive function such as memory. Green, leafy vegetables also pack a punch as kale, spinach, collards, and broccoli are rich in powerful antioxidants, vitamin K, and beta carotene that deliver key nutrients to your brain. Just as the rest of your body, the brain also requires certain nutrients to stay healthy so whip up some delicious stuffed red bell peppers and you’ll likely reap some long-term brain benefits.
Lower Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is linked to very serious medical conditions such as heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Lowering it quite literally can come down to what you eat and some easy additions to your meals can help! For example, don’t underestimate our little greenhouse grown tomatoes! Full of the nutrient lycopene, the eating of tomatoes, could significantly reduce blood pressure. So, add our sustainably grown tomatoes to your salad, roast them up, or try blending them into a delicious soup. Plus, tomatoes have been shown to improve blood vessel function. Try our snacking tomatoes for a quick and powerful treat that not only taste great but will also aid in your health journey.
Healthy Eyes and Glowing Skin
You probably never think too much how what you’re eating is affecting the health of your eyes and skin, but you should. Just a few delicious veggies, that can easily be incorporated into your diet, can lead you to better eye health and glowing skin. You’ll find eye-protecting carotenoids in our health powerhouse, tomatoes, and also the lycopene they contain helps prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Now, for your skin there are many vegetables you can eat to keep it shining and supple while helping to prevent wrinkles and age spots. Vegetables contain powerful antioxidants the help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicles. Aim for dark leafy greens, carrots, and, yet again, more tomatoes for especially powerful skin health benefits. A delicious caprese salad made with our on-the-vine tomatoes is more than just great tasting, it is beneficial for beautiful skin and healthy eyes!
Weight Loss Aid
As we have been dealing with some unprecedented times recently, it’s been easy to gain a few extra pounds due to stress, overeating, and the cravings for comfort foods. Whatever the reason, if you’re looking to lose a little weight, veggies can help. They keep you fuller longer because they have a lot of fiber and a high water content. Our cucumbers, for example, are 95% water! Next, vegetables tend to be lower in calories than most other foods, so while munching on your veggies, you’re also lowering your daily caloric intake. Lastly, vegetables help prevent dips and spikes in your energy levels preventing that mid-afternoon slump where you likely start to crave sugar. So, start replacing your usual processed carbs with some fresh or steamed veggies for a healthy way to save calories to promote your weight loss efforts. Try munching on our delightfully crunchy cucumbers with some hummus for a satisfying and low-calorie snack.
It’s obvious that adding more vegetables, like ours here at Nature Fresh Farms, to your diet will only benefit you in ways you’ve never even imagined. From radiant looking skin to improved memory and lower blood pressure to weight loss, vegetables are quite literally the key to unlocking better health. And, don’t forget to take some time for yourself this year as well. Veg out in all ways!