Leadership, future of fresh, imagination, empowerment, dedication, hard work, strategic, methodical

The Man

In 1993, I was unemployed but had an opportunity to get into business. I had enough money to buy a welding machine, a grinder, a torch AND pay my bills for 2 months. I started up a machining business and grew it into South Essex Fabricating – the forerunner to Nature Fresh Farms. Today, I own and run 3 vertically-integrated companies, all of which greatly influence the North American greenhouse evolution. My name is Peter Quiring.
Quotes from Peter Quiring himself
I look risk right in the eye and smile
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty
Teamwork drives my business
Do what you love. Love what you do.


Pete's Thoughts

Learn more about Tomatoes

“Tomatoes are a fantastic fruit whose flavor and reputation has been bastardized by mass production. It's now a personal goal to bring back the flavor in Tomatoes to the amazing tasting, nutritious food that they can be.”

More on Tomatoes
Learn more about Bell Peppers
bell peppers

“Bell Peppers are a fruit that has grown in popularity immensely in the last 15 years and still continues to grow. It is under-utilized especially in culinary applications and needs more attention!”

More on Bell Peppers
Learn more about Cucumbers

“By far one of my favorites! There are incredible gains to be made in flavor and consistency. We need to bring a better product to life that has actual Cucumber flavor. The vast population still thinks it is a zucchini - we need to change that!”

More on Cucumbers

Pete's Favorite Recipes

My recipes need to be about flavor, plain and simple. Don’t put your veggies in a dish that make them unrecognizable. Make them the focal point; make a statement about what your product is all about. The texture, the taste, the unique characteristics of the variety is what seals the deal.