Tereso M.

Guest Worker

“Nature Fresh Farms to me is a big opportunity to keep growing. It is a great company that treats its employees well.”

Coming from a large and humble family in Mexico, Tereso M. was raised with strong values and ambitions to always be better. Tereso worked as a farmer in Mexico for over a decade before deciding to come work as part of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program 2 years ago. Back in Mexico, Tereso gained experience working with onions, cucumbers, peppers, strawberries, among other crops!

To Tereso, Nature Fresh Farms means opportunity and financial security: “My motivation to come to Canada was to earn a better living and to help myself create something back home for my family and me. The work here is good work that I enjoy.”

Tereso is also happy to have had this opportunity because it’s one of the main reasons why he can now see his career dreams coming true once he returns to Mexico: “One asset I bring to the team is my experience. I have been farming for 14 years so I know how to anticipate what needs to be done. When I return to Mexico, I plan to buy a field and use my experience to farm plantains and coffee beans.”

In his free time, Tereso is dedicating his free time to learning English using a series of instructional videos. Tereso is also an avid cycler, taking time to explore the outdoors on long bike rides.

As a member of our General Labor team, Tereso completes a wide range of crop maintenance tasks. It is also important to Tereso that he respects everyone he works with and makes sure everybody is feeling comfortable with their jobs. Tereso is one of our #GrowToPeople!

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