In The Kitchen
The Nature Fresh Farms kitchen was designed and created with one goal in mind: to increase consumption of fresh and healthy meals; which is exactly what it does. Our kitchen is not your typical commercial kitchen, it has become a driving force of health and well-being at Nature Fresh Farms.
Every day, the kitchen produces a variety of healthy, non-processed meal options for the entire team. We are continuously developing unique & flavorful recipes that focus on fresh produce and promote healthy eating.
The recipes that we develop are tested for a variety of important factors that focus on the following: flavor, versatility, ease of use & integration, and the time required to prepare. After much scrutiny, and trial and development, the recipes are approved and are posted to our website. This process ensures that the recipes that we provide you are meeting the strict criteria of ensuring healthy eating across all of our products.
Being capable of developing new & innovative ways to consume fresh produce assists us in educating consumers on what cooking methods & seasonings will maximize their flavor experience. Our kitchen team goes above and beyond flavor profiling & recipe development with active involvement in the local community. We are actively engaged in the community & school events where we share and inspire people of all ages to eat more fresh.
We encourage a varied diet of greenhouse grown vegetables to limit the amount of processed foods in their daily meals & snacks. The Nature Fresh Farms kitchen is a place where living a happy & healthy lifestyle leads to flavorful sensory experiences.