What is IPM? Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a multifaceted pest management strategy we use…
Powerhouse Pollinators: Bumble Bees &…
Why Are Bumble Bees So Important? Bumble Bees, along with hundreds of other insects and…
Bugs – A Grower’s Best Friend
Beneficial bios, or good bugs, are an extremely important part of our greenhouse operation –…
Pup Patrol Meets Bug Brigade
Four months have now passed since Chili joined the Bug Brigade here at NatureFresh™, and…
NatureFresh™ Farms Develops Unconventional…
Leamington, ON (Oct 16th, 2017) - A pest outbreak in the fall of 2016 left…
Bugs For Christmas!
It’s that time of year again – when all the plants in the greenhouse are…
Why Good Bugs Matter
Bugs, critters, pests, call them what you will, the scourge of farmers and gardeners around…
The Bug Brigade
The Bug Brigade is our Integrated Pest Management Team who manage the good bugs to take care of the bad bugs in our greenhouses.
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