The #GreenhouseEducationCenter traveled to Point credit, Barrie, Toronto and Niagara Falls this week. Just like last week the highlight of new cities is always the people we get to meet. This weeks most asked question this week was “How do we know its Nature Fresh?”
#Fresh #local #Greenhouse tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers grown by Nature Fresh can be found in your grocery store. The key is to look for the Nature Fresh PLU, or the Nature Fresh brand on your packaged tomatoes and Cucumbers. One of the ways that Nature Fresh stays fresh and waste conscious is by bringing our TomBar to grocery stores near you. With the TomBar you are able to choose your favorite flavor tomato and how much you want and fill a TomBox.
We at Nature Fresh love sharing how we grow your produce. Early in the week we had a group of Grade 10 and 11 students from a horticulture club in London ON. #WeAreTheGrower that cares about the community and bring young talent into the industry. This week we will be meeting with multiple schools and hundreds of kids to share how we grow and where fresh produce comes from.