Nature Fresh Farms helps their community this holiday season with their fifth annual Holiday Giveaway and Food Drive.
For the past five years, Nature Fresh Farms and South Essex Fabricating (SEF) have joined together to support families in Windsor/Essex, Ontario, and Fulton County, Ohio. But what initially began as a small company initiative in 2016 quickly grew into a company wide fundraising campaign that has helped hundreds of families over the years.
On December 23rd, as part of their Holiday Giveaway initiative, Nature Fresh Farms and SEF distributed food gift baskets and grocery gift cards to several families across Windsor/Essex, and Fulton County Ohio. This has been the fifth consecutive year they have carried out their company Holiday Giveaway, with additional families being sponsored by the employees at SEF and Nature Fresh Farms. Through the efforts of the company and employee donations, the initiative was able to assist 116 families. Their fund-raising efforts helped to bring this year’s total to over $81,000, allowing the company to deliver $700 worth of food and gift cards to the 116 winning families.
Initially beginning as a way for Nature Fresh Farms and SEF to assist families back in 2016, they started to receive a lot of support from their employees asking if they could donate. With more team members wanting to support a family during the holidays, the campaign has continued to grow, with many grateful families being recipients of this kindness.
“This project first began as a company-led initiative and over the years has turned into a company-wide campaign driven by the generosity of our employees,” shared Vice President, John Ketler. “Nature Fresh Farms and SEF supports the program, but it is really our employees that are at the heart of its success and have brought it to this point of being able to help one hundred families this holiday season.”
In addition to the Giveaway, the cross-company food drive took place over a two-week period where South Essex Fabricating and Nature Fresh Farms employee donations led to a total of 3,043 dry goods collected. The two companies brought the non-perishable food items to the local Salvation Army in Leamington with Nature Fresh Farms Ohio donating to The Open Door in Delta, Ohio. Both initiatives were extremely successful in providing families with some much-needed cheer this season.